Unique Public Services Portal
Servicii.gov.md is the unique platform for public services provided by the authorities. The servicii.gov.md platform functions as an electronic catalogue for public services provided by the authorities dedicated to citizens and the business environment The main purpose of this platform is to offer brief, correct, accessible and complete information on the public services available in the Republic of Moldova.
On the platform, you can find information regarding both electronic services, as well as traditional services. The visitors can find on servicii.gov.md the description of the services, the set of documents required for this services, the schedule of the services, the costs and the implementation duration. They can also find contact details for more information and the forms that have to be completed by the citizens in electronic format, including completion's guidance.
The platform is divided into service categories for:
- Citizens (information and petition, finance and taxes, licences and special permits, etc. )
- Business environment (taxes, reports, confirming acts, permissive acts, etc.)
- Visitors (Moldovan citizenship, entry and stay in the Republic of Moldova)
- Life scenarios ( emigration, immigration business initiation, real estate, a family foundation, health, studies)
Through this unique public services counter, the citizens can benefit of more services on-line in an easy and accessible way. They no longer have to wait in lines for hours, and instead they can easily access any information they need with a simple click. The main purpose of this platform is to offer brief, correct accessible and complete information on the public services available in the Republic of Moldova.
The single point public services platform doesn't intent to substitute the authorities’ web pages that offer more complex information.
Currently, there are 248 services on the portal, of which 13 are e-Services (on-line services) with data opened for access.
The Republic of Moldova Government is determined to transform all traditional counter services into e-services by 2020, through the „Open Government action plan” and the „Government technological modernisation strategy”. In this way, the citizens will be able to access over 500 e-services.
About Project
Overall Advantages
- Informațiile despre serviciile publice prestate de autoritățile din Republica Moldova se regăsesc într-un singur punct, cetățenii nu mai trebuie să viziteze diferite website-uri ale instituțiilor pentru a afla informațiile de care au nevoie.
- Cetățenii pot accesa servicii publice electronice de oriunde și oricând, 24 de ore din 24, șapte zile pe săptămână.
Curious Facts on this topic
- The portal hservicii.gov.md has 206 services, including 10 public services in online format?
- Starting January 1, 2011 in the Republic of Moldova biometric passports are released? http://e-services.md/ …. Kids up to 7 years old need a foreign passport to travel in foreign lands?
- copiii de până la 7 ani au nevoie de pașaport străin pentru a putea călători peste hotarele țării?
- The cost for perfecting and releasing a passport for a Repulic of Moldova’s citizen, under 7 years old is 430 lei?
- Over 12 thousand Moldavans dropped the Moldovian citizenship in the last 3 years?
- How many people in the Republic of Moldova have the same name as you?
- You can get the registration certificate for transportation through a simple click here?
- In May, this year, approximately 80.000 electronic fiscal declarations have been submitted, with 25% more that in January 2012??
- 15655 economic agents from the Republic of Moldova use electronic fiscal declarations?
- The “Alexandru cel Bun” Militay Academy offers online trainings?
- You can find out a person’s identity by their handwriting with the criminal graphology analysis service „Examinarea tehnico-criminalistică grafoscopică”service provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a 180 - 1230 lei fee?
- You can check for free and with no limit of times the status of your mandatory health insurance policy at http://cnam.md/infoasigurat/controller.php?
- In less than 1 minute, through payment terminals, you can find out the number of the previous owners of your car and make sure that there are no restrictions on it?
- The most services available on the http://www.servicii.gov.md portal belong to the „Documentation Services”? More precisely, 78 of the 206 services registrated;
- The auto transportation for passengers in public services operates under a 5 years valability licence?