About EGA
In 2010 the Moldovan Government engaged in the e-Transformation process to streamline the governance through intensive use of information technology. For this purpose, in August 2010 the State Chancellery established the public entity e-Government Centre - a team of professionals with an innovative and systemic approach towards the modernization of public services to bring the Government closer to the Moldovan citizens.
Good and efficient governance, responsive to the citizens’ needs, achieved through smart investments in information technology and its extensive use.
We bring leading technologies into the Government, rethink processes, improve public services and make them work for the benefit of the citizens.
1. Modernize public services through re-engineering and digitization
Electronic services facilitate the interaction and communication between citizens and the Government, generating benefits to both: accessible, inclusive and efficient services for the citizens and increased citizens’ trust in the Government.
2. Increase governance efficiency by ensuring data exchange between public service providers
Public institutions will overcome isolation, will operate and interact on a joint technologic platform for data exchange – MConnect. Personal data will be provided to public authorities only once, and will be further reused by the public institutions to deliver government services
3. Diversify access channels to public services
To diversify the public service delivery channels citizens will be offered the choice to receive services either online through government portal of public services http://servicii.gov.md or offline at the Universal Centers for Public Service Delivery (CUPS) on such platforms as: the Multifunctional Centers of the Public Services Agency, Novateca modernized libraries, post offices, etc.
4. Ensure information security
Governance e-Transformation requires citizens’ trust, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. To this end, the e-Governance Agency jointly with its partners is taking complex legal, organizational and technical measures.
Since 2011 Moldova e-Governance Agency has successfully implemented more than 100 products within more than 20 initiatives, having built a sustainable platform for further modernization of public services and other governance-related innovations. The beneficiaries of e-governance products are the citizens and visitors of the Republic of Moldova, the private sector and public institutions.