e-Public Procurement
Public auction volume has increased greatly in the last years and the volume of contracted goods/works/services also registered a significant increase. In this context, tracing the numerous ongoing projects and their statistical analysis was hampered. Modern technologies support the increasing transparency in this area, thanks to the “State Register of Public Procurement” launched by the Public Procurement Agency. By means of modern technology, the procurement process will be conducted electronically, on-line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
E-Procurement system has the following basic components:
- Recording and publication of notices of intent
- Submitting invitation to tender
- Change of tender documents /its approval
- Submission of application for participation
- Communication with tenderer
- Registering the tenders
- Creating the report on the procurement procedure and its approval
- Online access of auction documents
- Integration with State Register of Population and State Register of Legal Entities
- Control of contract assignment.
The entire life cycle of public auctions or pricing tenders can be followed online. Most processes previously completed on paper, requiring direct interaction between participants have been replaced by similar processes, but online.
About Project
Overall Advantages
- Tenderers can control the process of the procurement
- Enhancing competitiveness and trust in the procurement process
- Simplifying interaction with the contracting authorities
- Multiple journeys to the contracting authorities’ headquarter or to the Public Procurement Agency are eliminated
- The access to updated information is available when needed
- The error possibility is reduced
- Ensuring fast access to statistical analysis
- Projects are developing in an equitable way
- Direct interaction with contracting authorities’ representatives is minimal