Modificări la Planul de achizitii publice al I.P „Agenția de Guvernare Elecronică” pentru anul 2021
18 марта 2021 / Achiziții 2021
MODIFICĂRI LA PLANUL DE ACHIZIȚII PUBLICE pentru anul 2021 (granturi de la bugetul de stat) al Agenției de Guvernare Electronică
23 февраля 2021 / Planul de Achiziții Publice 2021
Modificări la Planul de achiziții publice pentru anul 2021 (granturi de la bugetul de stat) al Agenției de Guvernare Electronică.
Raportul achiziției de valoare mică - COVID-19
26 января 2021 / Achiziție de valoare mică
Raport cu privire la achizițiile de valoare mică în sumă mai mare de 10 mii lei, achizițiile efectuate conform excepțiilor prevăzute în Dispozițiile Comisiei pentru Situații Excepționale sau conform prevederilor Legii nr. 69/2020 cu privire la instituirea unor măsuri pe perioada stării de urgență în sănătate publică și modificarea unor acte normative . Denumirea autorității contractante: IP Agenția de Guvernare Electronică IDNO: 101060034203 Perioada de raportare: ianuarie-iunie 2020 Data întocmirii raportului: 18.08.2020
Contract Award Individual Consultant - Contract No. MD-EGA-205147-CS-INDV Senior Procurement Specialist
5 января 2021 / Acquisition
Contract No. MD-EGA-205147-CS-INDV Senior Procurement Specialist Name of Project: Modernization of Government Services Project Country: Republic of Moldova Project ID: P148537 Awarded Individual: Mrs. Elena ADAM Address: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Contract signature date: December 31, 2020 Method of procurement/Selection: Individual Consultant Price: USD Duration: 30 (thirty) months Summary scope of contract: Senior Procurement Specialist to Coordinate all activities related to MGSP procurement processes as part of the Project Implementation Unit Award Date: December 31, 2020
5 января 2021 / Acquisition
Contract No. MD-EGA-204111-CS-INDV INTEGRATION ARCHITECT Name of Project: Modernization of Government Services Project Country: Republic of Moldova Project ID: P148537 Awarded Individual: Mr. Maxim CALPACCI Address: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Contract signature date: December 30, 2020 Method of procurement/Selection: Individual Consultant Price: M DL Duration: 12 (twelve) months Summary scope of contract: Integration Architect to perform integration activities related to e-government platform for data exchange and interoperability Award Date: December 30, 2020
“Contract Award Notice - National Legal Consultant to support reengineering of public services and CUPS piloting”.
18 декабря 2020 / Award Notice
Contract Award INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT National Legal Consultant to support reengineering of public services and CUPS piloting Project Name: Modernization of Government Services Country: Republic of Moldova Project Number: P148537 Awarded Individual: Lilia Dabija Address: Moldova Contract signature date: December 8, 2020 Method of Procurement/Selection: Individual Consultant Price: US$ Duration: 9 months Summary scope of contract: support reengineering of public services and CUPS piloting
Planul de achiziții publice pentru anul 2020
17 декабря 2020 / Achizitii 2020
CONTRACT AWARDED - MD-EGA-183501-CS-QCBS “Design, Development, Configuration, Deployment of the MDelivery Information System”
11 декабря 2020 / Acquisition
CONTRACT AWARDED MD-EGA-183501-CS-QCBS “Design, Development, Configuration, Deployment of the MDelivery Information System” CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Contract No.: MD-EGA-183501-CS-QCBS Scope of the Contract: Design, Development, Configuration, Deployment of the MDelivery Information System Name of the project: Modernization of Government Services Project Country: Republic of Moldova Project ID: IDA-6126& Loan No.: 8774-MD Name of the winning firm: Esempla Systems SRL Final Negotiated Price: 148,294.30 Euro